Swim Lesson Membership Cancellation Form

Entries marked with * are mandatory.

If you want to cancel your/your child's swim lesson membership you can do so by completing the cancellation form giving at least 14 days’ notice before the next payment date. Unfortunately if we are not given 14 days’ notice your next payment will still be taken.
Your Details
Primary Site Visited *

Would you recommend swim stars to a friend? *

Which swim membership do you want to cancel? *

Reason for cancellation: *

Data Protection
We will use the information provided by you to respond to your enquiry. The basis under which the Council uses personal data for this purpose is that you have given your consent to the processing.

The Data Controller is Gedling Borough Council, Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6LU. You can contact the data protection officer at the above address or by email at dataprotectionofficer@gedling.gov.uk

Further information including how long we retain your data, who we share with and your rights can be found in our privacy notice